

Quality products - the choice of professionals - available to you.

Personal care products are available from many sources, but the best quality products are those carried at professional establishments like ours. Don't be fooled by imitations and imposters. To ensure you receive a consistent, exceptional quality product, be sure to purchase your goods from authorized salon professionals. Experience the difference by using the fine products we use everyday and make available for purchase by our clients. we can recommend just the right product to meet your needs.

Design Essentials Logo

Design Essentials

Design Essentials upholds a timeless approach to hair care that promotes beauty and health within sensible, intelligent products. Our brands never compromise quality, as we design products to be luxurious, nourishing and effective in addressing your specific hair care needs. Our holistic approach focuses on offering hair care systems that gently cleanse, deeply condition and intensely moisturize to revitalize your hair and scalp to create strong, vibrant hair. Our products are Designed with Every Strand in Mind.

Dudleys Q Logo

Dudleys Q

Dudley manufactures more than 400 professional and retail hair care and personal care products. Unlike many products of this nature, the Dudley line of professional products is sold only to cosmetologists and barbers. The Dudley motto is “In Partnership with the Professional Cosmetologist” and this motto is taken very seriously. Dudley Products is also a business development leader and strives to help cosmetologists all over the world to build their businesses and secure a strong economic base in their communities.

Nairobi Professional Logo

Nairobi Professional

The Nairobi Professional line of hair care products has made exceptional breakthroughs for the hair stylist, the barber and the hair care industry as a whole. Breakthroughs which include development of a moisture replenishing and conditioning relaxer system, a therapeutic dandruff system and a semi-color system, just to name a few!

Nairobi Professional Hair Care Products are manufactured with the professional and their clients in mind. Each product is tested numerous times by hair care professionals before it is manufactured, added to the Nairobi product line, and given the Nairobi stamp of approval.

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